Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Rise of Smart Government

In terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Singapore has outstripped Malaysia. Even though Malaysia is more democratic than Singapore. In terms of various economic performances China is the best in the world and on the way to catch up the world's largest economy, United States (US). And US is the democracy guru with glamour presidential election compared to Chinese single party clout. Surprisingly, we see the non-democratic countries outperform democratic countries. What's wrong with democratic country? Is democracy still the best idea to run the government? Or is there any new alternative replacing democratic system?

Mr. President, Intervene Now!

One thing I hate much about our president, SBY, is that he doesn't want to intervene the legal process. He said that as if he can do nothing against the bad guys corrupting our legal system. He let the 'system' limit Anggodo's case not to spread out to other corrupt legal officers. Now he will do the same to Gayus' case. After taking the helm for six years, he shows us feeble leadership.