Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Democracy Tends To Corrupt, Absolute Democracy Corrupts Absolutely

Sometimes people think democracy is a powerful system to eradicate corruption. Refer to what has happened in Indonesia, they are absolutely wrong. Democracy unexpectedly brings corruption as much that of authoritarian regime.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Trias Politi-Crime: Execu-Thieves, Legisla-Thieves, Judica-Thieves

(With apologies to Montesquieu)

Indonesia is on course for cleptocracy in which state is commanded by thieves, said Kompas in yesterday’s headlines. And the existence of thieves spread wall-to-wall ranging from executive, legislative to judicative. Poor Indonesia, before bearing fruits, this incipient democrazy soon becomes cleptocrazy.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Indonesia’s Economic Liberalization? Why Not!

Xenophobia emerges.

Kompas (23/5/2011) expressed concerns that strategic sectors largely owned by foreign investors. Foreigners own 50.6% of banking industry and 75 % of oil and gas mining industry. They are also dominant player in telecommunication and palm oil estate.

And recently the government moves further by wanting to review mining contract.

Is it the backlash to the invited foreigners who partake in developing our economy?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good News and Sexy Figures

In recent years Indonesia is being poured by good news coming from foreigners. All the cynics at home must get disconcerted with those sexy figures.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Moving Forward with Either Black or White Cat Ideology

Today we observe the birth of Pancasila, our state ideology. In the last recent years, this ideology eclipses. However, amid the eroding religious tolerance and growing hardliners, some suggest that Pancasila should be revived. Is it true that Pancasila will resolve that problem?