Thursday, July 7, 2011

God Bless Still-In-Trouble America

America is undoubtedly the world’s only superpower with great achievement ranging from politics, economy, science & technology to culture. Their remarkable string of successes makes us believe what is good for America will be good for the world.

In 1992, after the fall of Uni Soviet, Japanese American thinker, Francis Fukuyama, bragged about that human civilization had come to the end of history and liberal democracy prevails.

Well, not so fast.

Despite still ruling the world, America as the main promoter of liberal democracy, is now definitely staggering. The aftermath of American-created financial crisis in 2008, the problem of unemployment coupled with enormous deficit paints a bleak economic picture.

Surprisingly, the debacle doesn’t stem from its competitiveness, productivity or deficit escaping solution. With top-notch products such as iPad, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Intel and Microsoft, America can still proud of its creativity and innovation. But, the culprit is their system promoting freedom too much. America leaves its fate in the hands of politicians which are laden with either bind ideology or bind interest of their fund provider in the election.

As a result, the government is run ineffectively.

Thomas Friedman of The New York Times recounted his discussion with Singaporean thinker, Kishore Mahbubani about Obama’s strategic initiative on eight strategic innovation hubs to solve eight world’s biggest energy problems and eventually create new jobs. Friedman told Mahbubani that the project cost “only” USD 25 million for each center, but it was hampered by the Congress on grounds of austerity. Kishore Mahbubani was taken aback, because he thought it was mispronounced of USD 25 billion. In comparison, tiny and no-significant-opposition Singapore easily spent USD 1 billion for biomedical science hubs without any obstacle from its “Congress”.

Likewise, in addressing deficit, the work of Simpson-Bowles commission has been available and plausible. But it must be undertaken regardless party’s ideology. One must accept the tax increases and the other must accept entitlement spending cuts. And until now they are still at variance and frittering valuable time away.
One of the criticisms of Fukuyama on benevolent dictatorship which can also bring success is “the problem of bad emperor”. When the emperor is good, the state will be good. In contrast when the emperor is bad, the state will be bad either.

It turns out in democratic America, “the problem of freedom” arises. The long-standing conviction is the more people solving problem, the better. But it should be rectified. As seen in America, divided people’s representatives with the equal power no longer make faithful decision, instead they make things worse.
The developing story of America should be paid attention. If America can be crippled by freedom, let alone developing country like Indonesia of which freedom rearing its ugly face since the day one of so-called reformation!

Finally, as Uncle Sam in the West looks feeble and self-destructed, the Dragon in the East flexes its muscle and shows off the result of its effective one-party system. Liberal democracy is absolutely not the end of history and nor it is without alternative. The history is still in the making and as Chairman Mao said we must [keep] seek[ing other] truth from the facts.

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