Sunday, January 15, 2012

Does History Repeat Itself for World War III?

World War III is looming. By imposing unbearable sanctions on Iran, America plays again a dangerous game. It is called a game because it can be not to play. And, if played, that game would claim a lot of lives and sufferings. America will likely win the war against Iran, but astronomical price must be paid amid unfolding economic crisis. Iran is better equipped than Taliban or Iraq. The capture of American spy drone by Iran last month speaks volumes.

Back to pre-World War II, surprisingly what America does today to Iran the way America did to Japan decades ago. America throttled Japan’s economy and pride through harsh sanctions and humiliation and eventually left Japan no choice, but war.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Kiat Esemka: Hoped-for National Car?

Published 10/1/2012 @ Jakarta Post

Solo Mayor, Joko Widodo makes headlines again. With splashy action, he replaced his official vehicle, Toyota Camry with vocational student-made, Kiat Esemka. It suddenly rekindles the long awaited national car. And it draws both supports and criticisms.

Truth be told, Kiat Esemka has neither been long tested yet nor prepared for mass production. Solo Mayor, who in fact has good intention, is too fast to make it his official car.

Many also question who really design and build the engine as the important part of the car. Does it the solely wolishe rk of vocational students? Or does it imitate other manufacturer? Or do they buy it from other countries such as China?