Sunday, January 15, 2012

Does History Repeat Itself for World War III?

World War III is looming. By imposing unbearable sanctions on Iran, America plays again a dangerous game. It is called a game because it can be not to play. And, if played, that game would claim a lot of lives and sufferings. America will likely win the war against Iran, but astronomical price must be paid amid unfolding economic crisis. Iran is better equipped than Taliban or Iraq. The capture of American spy drone by Iran last month speaks volumes.

Back to pre-World War II, surprisingly what America does today to Iran the way America did to Japan decades ago. America throttled Japan’s economy and pride through harsh sanctions and humiliation and eventually left Japan no choice, but war.

Patrick J Buchanan, American politician and columnist, had the details of why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in article entitled Why Did Japan Attack Us?

Japan was American ally in World War I and contributed to win the war. But America reluctantly shared the booty of land in Shantung, China, German- occupied territory which in fact captured by Japan. Worse, America asked British Navy to end its alliance with Japan. And when Japan tried to play Western-style imperialism to rob natural resources in southern Indochina, its assets was frozen.

The defining moment of American hostility to Japan was when it embargoed Japan’s oil needs. This sanction inevitably threatened its basic survival. Starved-energy Japan can no longer live with this. The only loophole was to take it directly from the source in Southern Resource Area (Southeast Asia). To ensure the successful of occupation, Japan attacked American Navy in Pearl Harbor and triggered WWII.

This is reminiscent of recent American hostility towards Iran.

Iran as the base of Shiite nation was isolated among the region by centuries-long hostility between Shiite and Sunni. After toppling down America-backed regime, Iranian Islamic Republic was proclaimed. Shortly afterward, Sunni Iraq’s Saddam Hussein supported by America and it Arab allies launched assaults. But it failed.

Later with rapid military buildup Iran grows as commanding regional power. Moreover it becomes the most independent country among America-dependent Arab countries. Worse for America, Iran’s defiant stance on Palestina issue is crystal clear: to wipe off Israel – American proxy in the region – from the map. Israel which has conquered all Muslim power in modern era remains unchallenged. Israel is also the country with nukes at its disposal. Consequently, it draws Iran to develop the same arsenal seeking balance.

This is the nub of American (and Israeli) problem with Iran. America asks for Iran to abandon its nuclear program. Certainly that’s weird demand. Iran must not have nuclear weapons, but how about them?

To stop Iran nuclear program, America relies on economic sanctions and alleged assassination of scientists. But so far Iran pooh-poohs the threat and goes on. And the last option, other than war, America has is to stop Iran’s revenue from oil export which is the main source to run the government.

It is tantamount to America impeded Japan to get oil for domestic use prior to WWII.

Now Iran has been pushed to the position of Japan in 1941. Will Iran do what Japan did in Pearl Harbor by closing Hormuz strait or launching missiles strike to America 5th fleet in Bahrain? At this point Iran must be ready with make-or-break war plan.

Fortunately, one factor probably shuns the world from war. Today Iran has no formidable allies with similar situation. North Korea is under protection of China and has no reasons to wage war outside Korea peninsula. Venezuela is too weak. China, Russia and Turkey show no sign to protect Iran militarily. Conversely in WWII Japan could make alliance with Nazi German which also inflicted by Versailles treaty following the German defeat in WWI.

However, should the world keep going on the hook to serve American interest? The game must change!

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