Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Rise of Smart Government

In terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Singapore has outstripped Malaysia. Even though Malaysia is more democratic than Singapore. In terms of various economic performances China is the best in the world and on the way to catch up the world's largest economy, United States (US). And US is the democracy guru with glamour presidential election compared to Chinese single party clout. Surprisingly, we see the non-democratic countries outperform democratic countries. What's wrong with democratic country? Is democracy still the best idea to run the government? Or is there any new alternative replacing democratic system?

It is oft-heard that the success of Western countries is mainly supported by their democratic system. To some extent the underlying idea is true. Democratic system ensure that no one have unlimited power. And the power is given by the people through general election and the duration of power is limited. So the more people judge the candidates the more accurate to have the best leaders and representatives.

The downside of this story is that the more people or institutions share the power the more restriction to get the synergy of action.

The present crisis shows how effective the non-democratic Chinese control it and how difficult for democratic countries such as America to solve the problem. In China the policy is decided by the best economist and implemented without opposition. While in America, the policy is still argued – too much talking than doing bold and smart action – and the president is paralyzed to handle the crisis with his own team due to the policy should be approved by the lawmakers.

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There is no doubt that democratic system has some good things. However democratic system is not final. We have to test it in all conditions and we certainly have seen its failure. So we must find the best ingredient of democracy and what really works for government to achieve people's prosperity. And the good news is that some experts – Kishore Mahbubani of Singapore included – have identified it well.

That best ingredient for all type of successful government is meritocracy. Let the best people work for the rest of us. Let the best economist develop the best economic policy. Let the best policy maker do their jobs. In consequence if we let the best manage the government skillfully, then the government would have the best chance to succeed. This new way of thinking brings us the idea of smart government that is better than merely democratic government.

Whatever the type of government, democracy or dictatorship, if they run the country subject to meritocracy system then the probability of success will be bigger. This idea sheds light on why no-freedom country such as China and Singapore achieve best performance and get through the crisis smoothly and why the democracy guru such as America tottered through the crisis.

So the next big thing of government system is smart government.

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